Friday, April 20, 2007

Terra Transeo Update

Hey there!
We would like to remind you all that Paul and the Concept team would be pitching their concept on Monday at 10 AM. Please be there to check out the awesome ideas that these visualisers have come up with and the effort that they have put into making things. Any feedback is welcome as well!

We've changed the Production Timeline, so please take note of that as well. Please note that each person would have to log 108 hours for the project and please try not to go over-budget =) your team leaders would be explaining more about this as well.

We're reattaching the TImesheets as a reminder for you to log your time. Please fill in the details (your name, etc.) as well. You would just have to input the hours in the 24-hour format and it would automatically add up the hours daily and output a total project tally for you. There is ANOTHER WORKSHEET in it which you would have to use to let us know what files you've worked on, what you've done and how you've saved out the files, etc.
Please save your copy of the timesheets on Terra EVERYDAY with the naming convention as follows:
e.g. aarthiSriram_TT_TimeSheet.xls

We've also attched a document that specifies the file management protocols that we would be following for the project! Check 'em out!

We've uploaded these details for you on the Terra as well, in the projectData folder.
More later,
Cheers guys and see y'll Monday =) in the meantime, have a great weekend!
The producers!


Anonymous said...

Any photo's or images of the Concept Teams ideas?

Aarthi said...

No anonymous comments please!

By the way, we do have a few.. but it'd be up after the pitch on Monday!