Friday, April 20, 2007

Terra Transeo Update

Hey there!
We would like to remind you all that Paul and the Concept team would be pitching their concept on Monday at 10 AM. Please be there to check out the awesome ideas that these visualisers have come up with and the effort that they have put into making things. Any feedback is welcome as well!

We've changed the Production Timeline, so please take note of that as well. Please note that each person would have to log 108 hours for the project and please try not to go over-budget =) your team leaders would be explaining more about this as well.

We're reattaching the TImesheets as a reminder for you to log your time. Please fill in the details (your name, etc.) as well. You would just have to input the hours in the 24-hour format and it would automatically add up the hours daily and output a total project tally for you. There is ANOTHER WORKSHEET in it which you would have to use to let us know what files you've worked on, what you've done and how you've saved out the files, etc.
Please save your copy of the timesheets on Terra EVERYDAY with the naming convention as follows:
e.g. aarthiSriram_TT_TimeSheet.xls

We've also attched a document that specifies the file management protocols that we would be following for the project! Check 'em out!

We've uploaded these details for you on the Terra as well, in the projectData folder.
More later,
Cheers guys and see y'll Monday =) in the meantime, have a great weekend!
The producers!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Let's play!

Hey there!
Hope all you guys are doing great =)
We're all meeting up tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM after Hunters n' Gatherers to PLAY GAMES! We're planning to hook up the network and have some fun for a few hours!! So do join us!

Also, we have a further break up of the teams. Please scroll down to take a look.
News from our side is very much colourful!! Things are going in full flow at this point with the concept team making AMAZING! models and plans and the Engine team trying to work out concepts. We're guessing those of you from the Production team are raring to go as well.

As you all would probably know, we're meeting up on Monday at 10:00 AM at the studio for a PITCH. Paul and the Concept team would be presenting their ideas and we (The Producers) would be presenting our schedule. SO DON'T MISS IT!

Special Mentions:
The concept team has done a brilliant job this past week =) Good on you, guys!
Reece and David are trying to rope in people from downstairs (the sound school!) to work with us.
Kate has offered to pitch in hours to market Terra Transeo!
Shelley has offered to work on the website for our project.
Thanks so much guys!

Thats it for now.. Give us a yell if you need anything =)
James and Aarthi

P.S. We're attaching the Production Timeline that we have come up with!

Aarthi Sriram
James Daniel

Paul Garry

Kate Mills

Concept Team:
Emily Bissland

Character Design:
Emily Day

Visual Treatment (Lighting, Mood, etc.)
Kate Mills
Lee (Unchalee Anantawat)

Level Design:
Ming Shyan Kuit
Qian Ying (Shelley) Chen
Yu-Kuan (Ray) Lu

Production Team
Textures and Interface:
Jo Fong

Isaac Cafarella
Tzu Wei Chang (Tony)
Wenke (Alan) Jiang
Xaio (Ada) Tong Wang

Thittaya (Cherry) Thiensunchai

Modelling and Lighting:
Chuan Keng (Kenneth) Wei
Reece Schubert
Shreyas Deshpande
Zhi Yiun (Joyce) Cui

Animation and Rigging:
Bhavpreet Kaur Ghai
Moon Sun Lee
Peter Lowey

Reece Schubert

Visual Effects:

Engine Team:
Sam Samai

All-Hamel (Mike) Ghanem
Amy Thomas
Cordellia Brown
Gerard Kelly
Mirza Mohd Eskandarian (Eski)
Pulindu (PJ) Wagaarachchige

Website Development:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Andy's Advice!

Andy Buchanan (one of our Execs!) has sent us a few articles to mull over. Check 'em out!

Andy's word of advice: "Go nuts! with your concepts. AND remember YOU MUST GET PLAYING IN THE GAMESPACE. Lots!"

Player Motivation!

I picked up a book on gameplay and design from the library and found a section on player motivation which I thought you might find useful to know as well. Here is a summary:

Each task in your game must have a victory condition with a reward of some kind. This will motivate the player to complete the task.
The values of the task must be seen to be worth striving for.
Always make the player feel like he can actually do the task.
Include various types of motivational devices to lure the player into your game.
Always inform the player of his next goal and tell the player the value of the reward (i.e what they will receive) for reaching the goal.
Make the goals progressive and the rewards equally progressive.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Emailing Protocols!

Hey guys!
To make things easier for all while sending out emails, we have created groups in the Terra Transeo Gmail account contacts list. So when you send out an email to any of the teams, you would just need to type in any of these respectively to send it to all your colleagues!

'TT Producers' - Note: This includes the Executive Producers as well.
'TT Concept'
'TT Production'
'TT Engine'
'TT Team Leaders'
'RMIT Staff'

OR if you intend to send an email to all of the 2007 batch, type 'AIM 2007'.

Please follow this as this would help us -Paul and the Producers- keep tab with whats happening.

Also, the Concept team is meeting tomorrow at 8:45 AM to brainstorm a few ideas ahead of a session with the Engine team at 1:30 PM where they would give a brief of what they've come up with until now. And how they're plotting their vision.

So see y'll tomorrow!
The Producers